Funeral Pricing

Transparent and personalised funeral pricing

Pellow & Hill funeral packages

From $5,350 inc gst

For families who don’t wish for a funeral, or who plan to organise a memorial service later.

From $6,425 inc gst

For families who don't wish for a funeral, or who plan to organize a memorial service later, but still wish to spend time with their loved one in our viewing room before a cremation with no service.

POA Price On Application

A full range of options and support to personalise your ceremony to fit the needs of your family and financial situation. From traditional services to informal celebrations, your farewell can be true to the personality of your loved one.

Simple Cremation


For families who don’t wish for a funeral, or who plan to organise a memorial service later.


  • Professional Fees
  • Simple Casket
  • Transport of Deceased
  • Dignified Mortuary Care
  • Cremation Fee
  • Cremation Documentation/Authority
  • Death Registration and Certificate

Dignified Cremation


For families who don't wish for a funeral, or who plan to organise a memorial service later, but sill wish to spend time with their loved one in our viewing room before a cremation, without a funeral service.


  • Professional Fees
  • Casket
  • Transport of Deceased
  • Dignified Mortuary Care
  • Visitation/Viewing
  • Cremation Fee
  • Cremation Documentation/Authority
  • Death Registration and Certificate

Bespoke Funeral

POA Price On Application

A full range of options and support to personalise your ceremony to fit the needs of your family and financial situation. From traditional services to informal celebrations, your farewell can be true to the personality of your loved one.


  • Professional Fees
  • Choice of Casket Range
  • Transport of Deceased
  • Dignified Mortuary Care
  • Funeral Venue
  • Celebrant
  • Multimedia Design and Set Up
  • Use of Funeral Hearse
  • Cremation Fee
  • Cremation Documentation/Authority
  • Death Registration and Certificate

Why do funerals matter?

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Things to know about funeral pricing

Professional service fees

Pellow and Hill Funerals – like all other funeral directors – charges for its services.
This fee covers services such as:

Personal care and attention of your loved one


Embalming/mortuary care

Obtaining the death certificate

Preparing necessary documentation

Registering the death

Providing funeral home facilities and services

After-hours fees

Arranging the funeral service

Any other services in accordance with your instructions

Please contact us for a personalised quote.

Terms of payment

We will always provide you with an upfront estimate of our costs.
You will receive an account from us that’s dated for the day of the funeral, and will be posted to you approximately seven days after the funeral. An Administration Fee is charged on all accounts, but if full payment is made within 21 days of the invoice date, this fee will be deducted.

Unless you have made specific arrangements with us, the due date for full payment is 28 days from invoice date. If the invoice has not been paid after 28 days, the account becomes overdue and penalties will be charged for late payment.

Financial assistance for a funeral

If you have any financial concerns, please let us know as soon as possible. There are agencies we can help you approach for funeral grants, for example WINZ and ACC both offer grants, depending on the circumstances. There are also grants available for veterans.

How to pay if the estate is still tied up

When a death occurs, bank accounts in the sole name of the deceased are frozen, and in some cases, can’t be accessed until after probate is granted. If possible, set up bank accounts to be in joint names prior to the death.

When the settlement of an estate is delayed by lack of probate, families should pay the funeral account by the due date and recover the funds from the estate when it is settled. We will send our invoice directly to the family and, if required, will also send a copy to the solicitor.

The person making the arrangements with Pellow & Hill Funerals remains responsible for paying our account.

My Trove - a free resource

Following a death, closing accounts with banks, government agencies, insurers, utilities, and other organisations can take an executor over 52 hours and up to a year to finalise an estate. MyTrove simplifies this process by consolidating notifications and reducing paperwork, saving time and effort for bereaved families or solicitors.

This free service also provides links to helpful resources, such as closing social media accounts or checking for unclaimed funds with HMRC. You can use MyTrove directly or through your solicitor for added convenience.