Compassionate airfares

Support and guidance after a funeral

Air New Zealand offers compassionate fares for immediate family members travelling from other regions within New Zealand to Hamilton to attend a funeral.

These discounted fares on domestic flights may ease the financial burden.

Compassionate airfares are also available if an immediate family member has an unexpected and critical medical condition.

The fares apply to flights within New Zealand only.

You must book and fly within 48 hours of a family member’s medical crisis, or within seven days of a bereavement.

You can book the special low compassionate air fares in advance directly within New Zealand. Visit the Air New Zealand website for the current airfare rates and booking information.

You may find Air NZ flights online for a lower fare than the compassionate air fare rate, so be sure to check all your options.

You may be able to make changes to your flights and existing bookings – you’ll need to contact Air New Zealand directly to arrange this.

If you’ve already paid the normal fare for a flight, Air New Zealand may give you a partial refund. The refund process is outlined on their website.

You’ll need to show evidence of your situation: Pellow and Hill Funerals can help you provide evidence for a bereavement; please contact our Hamilton funeral directors for help.